silent living room

silent living room

On Sunday 23rd June De Ketelfactory will be transformed into a living room. A silent living room in the middle of town as a place to convene in silence. To be in the company of others and to let words be for a bit, allowing silence to speak. The silence that is always there anyway, but so very quickly and often covered up. What reveals itself in the silence?

Surrounded by the many images of silence from the exhibition ‘stil’, yoga teacher and lover of silence Rianne Collignon leads the visitors in a fourty-five minute gathering in silence. After that, we view the exhibition, also in silence. Do you experience art differently in silence? Does the silence in advance and during viewing provide extra depth or focus? After viewing the exhibition we speak about our experiences and guide and art historic Cilia Batenburg explains more about the various images of silence and the anniversary exhibition ‘stil’.

Rianne Collignon lives in Schiedam Noord, bordering the polders and nature reserve of Midden-Delfland, where she organises silent walks, amongst other things. She also teaches yoga at Yogastudio Yoia.

The silent living room and tour will take place between 11.30am and 1pm and is free of charge. Entry between 11.30am and 11.45am. Do keep in mind that you may get chilly sitting still. Sign up by sending an email to

Image: Christiaan Kuitwaard, Woensdag, 24-10-2018